The resolution is simpler blog posts written more frequently.
Over time my posts have become longer and more complex. That in itself is a sign of growth in my ability to compose a post, but it has led to seeing the task as daunting and fewer posts are the result.
The original intent of this blog was to be a letter to friends and family complete with a few photos and less postage. My plan is a return to that intent, mixing simple and spontaneous photos and text with some of the more involved constructions that have become my norm.
Photographed above is the best dessert I ate over the past holiday season. It was served at Fig in Asheville, NC and consists of a lime and lemongrass panna cotta topped with a Thai chilli and raspberry sorbet, a tiny bit of chamomile syrup and accompanied with a square of cashew brittle.
I ate lots of yummy things over the holidays, but this one was hands down the very best.