Sunday, December 13, 2009

And into our December, some snow did fall

Time to pull this blog into the present.
Having recapped my September vacation in December, this blog feels stuck in a time warp, slightly like out-of-date magazines in the doctor's office waiting room.

Here are some photographs from our first snow this winter.

These are truly the last roses of the year, Knock Outs that live up to their reputation. I was able to cut a few stems for Thanksgiving.

Stacked firewood

A winter trellis

Evidence that neighborhood children had constructed snowmen was apparent the next morning, even as evidence of the snow itself was disappearing.

Conversations with a snowman

Use words that are pleasing like freezing and snow.
Iceberg and igloo and blizzard and blow.
Try Arctic, Antarctica Say: shiver and shake,
But whatever, you never say, never say: bake.


Don't tell this little fellow, but this blog will shortly return to the sunny environs of my most recent travels, Mexico.

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